June 22 Blood Drive in Honor of Noah
Date Posted: Friday, 10th June 2016

Noah Cross is a rising 3rd grade student at SEES who is currently undergoing treatment for leukemia. To help raise awareness of the importance of Blood Donation, Noah’s classmates and teachers decided to host a Red Cross Blood Drive in his honor.

The Blood Drive will be held on Wednesday, June 22 in the SEES gym from 12-6pm. Childcare will be provided by 7th grade students.

For an appointment, please visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Let’s show the Cross Family our support for Noah and all our area hospital patients who count on blood donors every day to continue to live healthy lives.

Student Leadership Awards
Date Posted: Friday, 20th May 2016

tlim_seal_vtThis year at SEES, we are excited to build on our Leader in Me program with the introduction of the Leadership Counts Awards. At the beginning of each month, we reveal a new leadership quality to our students. At the end of that month, our teachers select one student from their homerooms who has exhibited outstanding leadership based on that month’s leadership character trait. Each leadership character trait is supported by a scripture verse and one of the Seven Habits by Stephen Covey. Students are given their Awards before the first Tuesday morning Mass the following month. The student’s picture and a certificate are posted on the Leadership Counts board inside the school.

In May, our Leadership Counts Trait is PATIENCE: “Be humble and gentle in every way. Be patient with each other and lovingly accept each other.” (Ephesians 4:2),  which coincides with Habit #4: Think Win-Win.

The Leadership Counts Awards are just one more way we recognize the kindness, hard work and dedication of our amazing students.