Nominations Underway for 2021-2022 HSA Board
Date Posted: Saturday, 1st May 2021

The HSA Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations for the 2021-2022 School Year HSA Board. Please check the SEES weekly email blast or visit the Parent Login section of the website for the nomination form link,

We welcome all nominations and will strive to create a diverse and balanced roster of applicants that accurately represents our school. Our goal is to see that every parent has a voice and is given the chance to become actively involved in enriching the community we have at SEES. You may nominate whoever you would like and that includes yourself!

Deadline for nominations is Sunday, May 9. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Becca Legan at [email protected].

** Please Note: You do not have to complete the entire form. Just nominate whoever you’d like. Also, feel free to nominate co-chairs!

Teacher Appreciation Week May 3-7
Date Posted: Saturday, 1st May 2021
Hello SEES Families!

Please join the HSA in showing our love and appreciation for the SEES faculty and staff during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 3-7, 2021! We have something special planned each day, and Tuesday is when we need your help. Please have your student(s) bring in one flower for their homeroom teacher and teacher’s aide, and help create a bouquet for each of them. No worries – the HSA is taking care of the resource teachers too! In fact, every faculty and staff member will receive flowers of appreciation and a sweet treat from us.