School Supplies and Summer Assignments
Date Posted: Saturday, 14th August 2021
School Supplies 2021-2022

Rising Jr. Kindergarten Supply
Rising Kindergarten Supply
Rising 1st Grade Supply
Rising 2nd Grade Supply
Rising 3rd Grade Supply
Rising 4th Grade Supply
Rising 5th-8th Grade Supply

Summer Reading Assignments 2021

Rising Jr. Kindergarten Reading
Rising Kindergarten Reading
Rising 1st Grade Reading
Rising 2nd Grade Reading
Rising 3rd Grade Reading
Rising 4th Grade Reading
Rising 5th Grade Reading — revised 06/03/21
Rising 6th Grade Reading — revised 06/03/21
Rising 7th & 8th Grades Reading

Summer Math Practice 2021

Rising Jr. Kindergarten Math Practice
Rising Kindergarten Math Practice
Rising 1st Grade Math Practice
Rising 2nd Grade Math Practice
Rising 3rd Grade Math Practice
Rising 4th Grade Math Practice
Rising 5th Grade Math Practice
Rising 6th-8th Grade Math Practice

Back to School Day and Book Day Updates
Date Posted: Friday, 13th August 2021
Back to School Day
  • Back to School Day will be Thursday, August 19 and will be all Virtual.
  • Parents will receive a welcome message from the School Office in the morning.
  • Parents have received or will receive a time/link for their student’s homeroom Virtual Back to School Information session. These sessions will be recorded and posted for families that are unable to attend.
Book Day
  • Book Day will be on Monday, August 23 from 8:30- 2:00pm.
  • There will be information tables outside from the HSA, Boy Scouts and Nurse Krack to submit any medical paperwork.
  • In an effort to try and keep everyone safe and keep the building clean, we have a few requests to make Book Day as safe as possible:
    • Everyone entering the school building must be wearing a mask and must keep the mask on until leaving the building.
    • We are asking that students in grades 3rd-8th grade come to Book Day without their parents. This will limit the number of total people in the building and allow us to maintain social distancing.  If there is a special circumstance where a parent needs to come into the building, that is fine. It should only take the students a few minutes to visit their homeroom and drop off their supplies.   Parents are invited to check out the information tables while they are waiting for their child.
    • Please try and limit your time in the building. We know the kids will be excited to see their friends. So, if they would like to socialize, please utilize the playground and the field.
    • Book day is not mandatory. If you do not feel comfortable coming to Book Day, students can just bring their supplies for the first day on Tuesday.

Thank you so much and see everyone Thursday for Back to School Day!