Date Posted: Monday, 17th December 2018


The 4th Annual 100 for 100 Campaign was kicked off October 26 and will run through February 1, 2019. This campaign supports our Annual Fund for Excellence to help close the gap between tuition fees and operating expenses, thus keeping a SEES education affordable for more families.

No matter the amount, each and every gift counts toward our goal of 100% participation!

What’s Your Why? This year, as you consider making a gift to this mission-critical campaign, we would like you to ask yourself “WHAT IS YOUR WHY?” We all have our reasons for choosing SEES for our children and ultimately our family. Your WHY can be simple and uncomplicated, or rooted deeply in personal values and beliefs. The best thing about your WHY is that it is authentically yours.

Your WHY is what makes SEES an amazing place for our children to learn and grow. It’s what makes our interaction with other parents develop into strong partnerships and sometimes, life-long friendships. It is why our teachers believe in our mission and why they stay even when they are given the opportunity to go elsewhere.

When you make your gift this year, please take a moment to share with us your WHY. You can use the space provided on either the paper or the online donation form when making your gift. Please indicate if you would like your WHY to be anonymous – we will be compiling our WHY statements and sharing them with our community in various ways throughout the year.

As always, thank you for your love, trust, and support in us. We are honored to serve you and your children each and every day.

Download Paper Donation Form