SEES Annual Grandparents’ Day Luncheon November 20, 2018
Date Posted: Wednesday, 7th November 2018
The Annual SEES Grandparents’ Day Luncheon will take place on November 20, 2018.

This favorite annual event is a great time for students and grandparents or grand-friends to enjoy a special meal and time together. We love thanking our grandparents and friends and welcoming them to the St. Edward-Epiphany School family!

Volunteers needed for setup the night before and for setup, serving and cleanup the day of the event! Please see Track It Forward to sign up!

Wine, Cheese & Tuition Savings: 529 Information Night November 14
Date Posted: Tuesday, 6th November 2018

Did you know that a 529 Tuition Savings Plan can now be used to fund tuition costs for K-12 private and religious education, up to $10,000 per child per year? Join us on Wednesday, November 14 from 7-8pm in the SEES Cafeteria for “Wine, Cheese, & Tuition Savings,” hosted by the SEES HSA. Blake Gordon (AAMS), Vice President of Investments and Financial Advisor at Raymond James & Associates, Inc. will demonstrate how you and your family can save money on both current and future academic expenses.

Registration is free and there will be some awesome door prizes for attendance! We hope to see you there!

Please R. S. V. P. to [email protected].